Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Useful Background Information

I guess if I’m going to write about how BPD works out in practice in my daily life – and how I overcome it and recover (which is my ultimate aim), it will be helpful for any reader to have some understanding of the official criteria used for diagnosis.  To this end I provided a link to a helpful site for sufferers and carers.

I’m thinking that every now and then I will take one criteria and explain, with an example, how it relates to me.  It’s different for most BPD sufferers – well it’s obvious really.  To be diagnosed you have to meet five criteria out of nine.  I can’t do the maths but I know this means there are hundreds of combinations of criteria that can lead to diagnosis, added to the complexity of unique human beings, and the possibilities for how it shows itself in practice are enormous.  This means even the experts don’t have it sussed, and everyone who has anything to do with anyone diagnosed with BPD is always a learner, including the one with the label.

1 comment:

  1. Glad to have found your site. I have a family member who suffers with BPD and I love the way that your site is balanced without being bland and the way that you have a campaigning and compassionate edge to what you write.
