What's it for (this blog)?

I am in the UK and live with a mental illness called Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD) or Emotionally unstable Personality Disorder or Emotional Dysregulation Disorder or Emotional Regulation Disorder!

I think the confusion amongst psychiatrists and mental health professionals over what to call it gives a starting point to gaining some understanding what it is like to live with the illness (which according to some schools of thought does not actually exist anyway).  It is very confusing!

If you research BPD on the internet you’ll find a range of helpful information and a lot of prejudicial hype about how awful us “Borderliners” are and how dreadful it is for anyone who has anything to do with us.

My aim, in writing this blog is twofold. One, to chronicle my recovery (all being well) and two, to challenge those perceptions by sharing some of my own experiences as a sufferer, in the context of real life and not the outpouring of pain you may read on BPD support sites (where Borderliners will seek support at their lowest times), or the ranting of friends and families of Borderliners when they are feeling hurt and stressed by their loved one in crisis.

That’s not to say I won’t mention the low points, indeed I must if this is to a balanced record, just as I must mention the relationship tensions my illness can make me vulnerable to.

Please comment if you like the blog, or be constructive if you don’t.  Thanks for looking!