Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Tale of a Shaggy Dog - part 3

As told by Jake, the shaggy dog.

Another time her brother hit her while her Dad was home on leave.  She ran to him crying, asking him to stop her brother.  He held her brother so she could punch him back.  She went for his nose, he moved his head a bit and she got his teeth, not hurting him but cutting her hand.  Everyone else thought this hilarious, she just felt humiliated and furious at the injustice.  By the time she was twelve she had given up trying to mention anything about her brother’s behaviour to anyone.

At high school she was sometimes too embarrassed to do PE or swimming because of the bruises on her arms.  They were clearly hand prints from where she’d been pinned down. 
I missed her during these years.  She went out a lot doing sports and dance and drama.  She used to spend quite a bit of time upside down and stretching on her bedroom floor, or learning strange speeches.  She was still the one that remembered to feed and walk me though, and she still talked to me as she hid in her bedroom most days.

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